What can you expect from the MediBILL system?
MediBILL produces a single consolidated and aggregated tax invoice for the patient which includes all episodes for pathology, radiology and any other service provider – such as surgeons, anaethetists, pharmacy, physiotherary or occupational therapy. [back to top]
MediBILL assembles separate batches of 50 for all service providers and sends data electronically to Medicare. All Medicare and repatriation monies are received electronically and EFT payments are automatically applied. [back to top]
MediBILL produces electronic accounts for the provider hospital or department. Each service is identified with a unit or ward. Bills combining multiple requests into a single account can be printed or automatically downloaded. [back to top]
MediBILL checks for accident date and contract number and prints consolidated and aggregated tax invoices by patient. Exceptions are reported if details are insufficient and relevant information can be entered manually. TAC billing is now electronic. [back to top]
Reminders for outstanding accounts may be produced at any time. After a pre-defined period, outstanding accounts may be automatically transferred to the MediDEBT debt collection program (see below). [back to top]
MediBILL provides a business analysis suite that runs automatically each night at midnight. Using the optional MedEXTRACT, detailed trading information can be extracted into Excel™ or other third party analysis tools. [back to top]
The MediBILL system produces routine and custom reports specific to the site. Reports can be filtered in a number of different ways (by date, section, revenue type or department) and data extracted to third party software. [back to top]
MediBILL is able to provide electronic interfaces with any organisation providing download and receipting facilities (such as Medicare, TAC, Health Funds).
Alongside MediBILL, we have a companion program called MediDEBT, where overdue accounts can be transferred automatically. [back to top]
In MediDEBT each overdue account is managed within a debt collection structure that allows reporting of telephone calls, special arrangements and payments. An automatic link alerts MediDEBT when a patient re-presents to MediBILL and new contact details are immediately relayed to MediDEBT. [back to top]
For a detailed breakdown of features and functionality, download the MediBILL specifications sheet.